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    I am interested in using digiAssets as a way to send email. Partly because I think it will be an easy use of the technology and I believe it will be a good way to market Digibyte and get more buzz going. I am fairly new to developing so any insight and help would be appreciated. But my idea would be to store the email message (metadata) in a torrent allowing someone to also easily add any documents or videos to the metadata like any other email while taking advantage of the Op_Return protocol and not having to store the data on-chain. So really nothing too technical, as far as Digibyte’s capabilities go, but this could be an easy way to showcase Digibyte’s capabilities such as security and practicality for business use. It may also be worth considering charging a small monthly flat fee where the money could be used as a “staking” going to people who are running nodes for digibyte. This would incentive more nodes to be ran and essentially allow people using the platform to run the node and hopefully not only pay for their fee but potentially make them money as well. Any thoughts?

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