DigiByte Block Explorer with Native Asset Support

The DigiByte Community Forums Projects Ideas 💡 DigiByte Block Explorer with Native Asset Support

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  • #859

    Hey guys,

    I am Yoshi, iOS/Core Dev of DigiByte and I would like to discuss the feature set of a project that I am going to start in the near future:

    DigiByte Block Explorer with Native Asset Support

    This Project will have nothing to do with the existing solutions like Insight Explorer.
    It will be rewritten from scratch but it will have an identical API like Insight Explorer, to make sure it’s backward-compatible.

    Here are the features that I already planned to integrate myself:

    Non-Functional Requirements:

    • �? Written in Rust.
      I have already initiated a skeleton using Rust. It will be super-efficient and super secure.
    • ✅ Easy Setup.
      Setup should basically be a one click installer.

    Backend Feature Set:

    • �?� API Backward-Compatibility.
      As mentioned above
    • 🚀 Super Fast Blockchain Sync using a DigiByte Node.
      This feature is bothering many people with the current Insight Explorer Solution. It’s damn slow. It will be able to read the block files directly using multiple threads. Sync should not take more than two minutes using this method. RPC Sync must also be way faster than the current Insight.
    • 🗂 DigiAssets Metadata-Server replacement.
      It will include native support for DigiAssets.
    • 🎒 Integrated HTTP server.
      The integrated HTTP Server will serve the API endpoint but also the UI.
    • ⚡�? Two operating modes: CPU-friendly or Memory-friendly.
      It would be awesome to have it running on a Raspberry PI using only 1GB RAM, wouldn’t it?
    • 🚨 Optional Notifications Backend.
      Mobile Clients can subscribe to receive real-time notifications about Transactions that affected their balance.
    • �? Extendability.
      Programmers can attach Custom Scripts that handle block/tx decoding.
    • 🖇 Compatibility.
      Usage of LevelDB as a database, which is already shipped using the DigiByte Core Code. No need to install more dependencies.

    FrontEnd Feature Set:

    • 💰 Rich List
      It will show the largest addresses and their balances
    • 🎫 Asset Explorer
      It will make all assets searchable (using its title). Also tracing the inputs will be possible. It will show details about the Asset Protocols.
    • â–… Block Explorer
      It will offer the same functionality as Insight does. Search using txid / addresses / blockhashes.

    Please propose more feature wishes!!
    I would like to have a distinct overview of what I have to build from the very beginning.

    Best regards,

    • This topic was modified 3 months, 4 weeks ago by YoshiJaegerYoshiJaeger. Reason: Emoticons added
    AvatarNigel Borreman

    I would like to see something like this: Blockchair Litecoin Explorer

    Nigel Borreman


    Very cool! What is it exactly what you want? The statistics overview?

    AvatarNigel Borreman

    Yes, everything 🙂

    Nigel Borreman


    As I understand it will be similar to Etherscan

    I would also to track Exchange Wallets/Total Balances of DGB

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