Create an 🗂️ Index of Previously Solved Problems

The DigiByte Community Forums Projects Contribution Requests 🤝 Create an 🗂️ Index of Previously Solved Problems

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  • #314

    Alex B from the DGBAT (DigiByte Awareness Team) via Telegram has proposed the idea of having previous problems solved in the Telegram channels to be indexed:

    so people can search for their respective problem in previous threads and what not and not have to join telegram channels and ask there and for a response etc

    I think his idea is fantastic.

    There are quite a number of ways of going about it, one that comes to mind is:

    - Creating a Forum called ‘Problems Solved’ for example, that would house each Problem as a Topic/Thread. Clicking on the Topic will bring up the Problem and the steps taken to solve it.

    Does anybody have a list of problems solved in Telegram, I and others can start indexing them here, it’s just a matter of finding that data 😁

    • This topic was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by ferdiferdi.
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